The Amicitia-Scientia Family Recipe Book

A Digital Gladnis Cookbook and Fanzine

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The Amicitia-Scientia Family Recipe Book is a digital Gladnis fanzine and cookbook in one. The content will include artwork and written works about the relationship between Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, and food.This zine is intended to be enjoyed by all ages. Canon and alternate universe are both welcome so long as they match the theme.

The Organizers

HEAD MODLiv, she/herTwitterTumblrAO3
CO-HEAD MODNyx, he/theyTwitterAO3 
MARKETING MODJuli, she/herTwitterTumblr 
RECIPE MODLevius or Levy, they/themTwitterInstagramPortfolio
ART MODCrow, he/theyTwitterTumblrPortfolio
WRITER MODPanda, she/theyTwitterAO3 
LAYOUT & FORMATTING MODJulie, she/herTwitterInstagramPortfolio

Project Timeline

2021 October 03 to 2021 October 31
Contributor applications
2021 November 10
Application updates sent
2021 December 20 to December 22
Check-in #1
2022 February 14 to February 16
Check-in #2
2021 April 04 to April 06
Check-in #3 (FINAL Check-in)
2022 April 25 to June 30
Sale and promotion period

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Amicitia-Scientia Family Recipe Book?
The Amicitia-Scientia Family Recipe Book, is going to be a fanzine centered around Gladnis and food. So essentially, it's like a cookbook but with stories, poems and artwork where the subject matter will be the recipes. As a basic idea: say the left page will contain a recipe for porridge, the right page will contain a story or an artwork of Gladio cooking porridge for Ignis.
Whatʼs the theme of the zine?
Domestic fluff, slice of life, hurt/comfort but with a healthy dose of comfort (like how food can give us comfort). Imagine a homey cookbook, easy to pick up and read or browse whenever you get the time.
Whatʼs the canon timeline?
Verse 1 and verse 2 should work, but also any AU where the cooking and/or the dish can be highlighted! So maybe a coffee shop AU, a restaurant-owner AU, a highschool AU where Ignis shares his muffin with Gladio...stuff like that! We're not aiming for canon integrity, the only thing that's important is 1) Gladnis, 2) the food, 3) that domestic, fluffy feel.
What should Gladio and Ignis’ relationship status be?
Well, I mean, don't break them up. But they could be navigating a stupid crush on each other, falling in love, established, married, maybe getting back together after a break-up. Basically, Gladnis has to be endgame in some way.
How will the recipes to be included be decided on?
Variety is key! So a mix and match of say poultry, seafood, baking, roasting, soups, drinks, desserts, etc. just to give it a well-rounded feel. Also we're talking about real life recipes.
Will Cup Noodles be included?
Yes. But just one!
What is the rating of the zine?
Keep it to teen and up audience at most.
What is the format of this zine?
Digital only with print quality so that buyers can just get it printed on their own if they want.
Will this support a charity?
Yes! All proceeds will go to Action Against Hunger, a global humanitarian organization that addresses the causes and effects of hunger.
What are the expectations for the contributors?
For artists: A visually complete artwork—meaning that we are not strictly looking for a piece with full shades and a rendered background (though you are still welcome to create a fully-rendered piece if you want). If the artwork looks complete, and is compelling enough to be accepted as solid, then that is the final product we are looking for. Some examples may be found here. All sample artworks are by our mods.
For writers: If writing fan-fiction, a minimum of 1200 words and a maximum of 1800 words. Language to be used will be English. For poetry, as long as it’s not long enough to be the next Iliad, you’re good! For other formats, please drop us a question at our curiouscat!
How many contributors is the zine looking for?
While we have an idea of how many contributors we are targeting internally, we would like to stay adaptable based on the applications we receive. Being a digital zine gives us the capability to work with our Layout & Formatting Mod and adjust our final headcount as the application period ends. This is also so we can remain flexible in building the team as many of our creators in the fandom are already burnt out. While we would love to accept everyone who applies, we cannot guarantee that this will be the case. We will, however, do our best to accept as many interested creators as possible while keeping a good balance between artists, writers and recipes.